Do you know the difference between Travel Allowance & Living Away from Home Allowance This is an area that is commonly misunderstood by both employers and employees. With pay items needing to be more specifically mapped as part of Single Touch Payroll, its...
NewAccess Support for Small Business Owners Running a small business can be challenging, and with so much to handle, mental health and wellbeing often takes a backseat. In fact, one in three small business owners report high levels of psychological distress. Mental...
Xero – Old Reports Unavailable from 31July If you’re still using old reports in Xero you may have seen this popping up at the top of the screen to prompt you to switch to a new version of a Xero report being used. As of July 31, the ‘old style’ Xero Reports will no...
Beam recognised as one of Australia’s Happiness Workplaces! Beam Bookkeeping has been formally recognised as an Accredited Happy Workplace after completing a Workplace Happiness Diagnostic Programme facilitated by Newcastle based social enterprise, BU...
The Super Guarantee rate is about to increase from 10% to 11% from 1 July 2023 You need to be aware of these changes as they will not only affect your current employee costs but also need to be considered when negotiating remuneration for new employees. The...
Efficiency Deep Dive: How efficient are your internal finance processes? Are you hearing these answers/comments in your business or workplace. This is how we have always done it. I am not sure why we do it this way? That process is so clunky and time consuming. Often,...