Rinse and Repeat!

Our observations in recruiting for finance related roles 

If you ask any business owner at present what one of their key pain points are, we can with almost certainty expect them to say, short staffed and key person reliance. 

The labour market is undoubtedly tough at the moment.  Candidates are picking and choosing based on a lot more criteria and post Covid appear to be considering work/life balance more. 

It’s this fact that is causing a trend to become apparent in the type of business that approaches Beam for outsourced help.   

It’s fast becoming a rinse repeat initial meeting discussion at present. 

Their needs in a new team member is a person who: 

    • Has a broad skillset that would generally in a larger business be filled by 2 people at varying levels of skillset and remuneration 
    • Is willing to work for the amount the business is prepared to pay 
    • Is willing to work the amount of hours required, whether that be full time or part time 
    • Has the skills they say they have at a decent level 
    • Is a good cultural fit 
    • Is reliable 
    • Is loyal 
    • Stays 

Prior to meeting with us each business has generally had a history to this point of: 

    • Unable to find a candidate to begin with 
    • Fill a position out of desperation rather than waiting for the right candidate 
    • Not able to retain a successful candidate 
    • Time, effort and money put into training each new candidate only to find they leave  
    • Realise not far into the employment that the candidate they recruited isn’t a cultural fit or doesn’t cut it in the role employed for and then have the challenge of how to exit them 
    • The business owner and/or their team are stretched capacity wise 
    • Rinse and repeat 

Often, we see a business need a resource who has both bookkeeping and accounting skills and hopes to be able to recruit for a remuneration package that is less than what a person with accounting skills would expect due to the role including the need for bookkeeping work to be done.  

This creates 2 roadblocks to successful recruitment: 

  1. Remuneration being offered will not align with candidate expectations 
  2. Job satisfaction will be at risk as not every accountant will receive enjoyment doing bookkeeping as part of their role. 

These factors reduce your recruitment pool significantly. 

Seeking a part-time person will only then serve to reduce that pool even further. 

Why Beam work as a solution in this scenario: 

    • We do the recruiting and are constantly in interview mode on the lookout for Beam Team Members 
    • We perform initial and ongoing training to keep our team appropriately skilled 
    • We take care of supervision, HR and performance management  
    • We cover planned and unplanned leave, which means you are no longer exposed to it 
    • We use efficient processes we usually already have in place or create if specifically needed 
    • We provide an extension to a business’s team that enables them to tap into a pool of team members at varying depths of skillset and knowledge depending on the needs of the role at rates relative to each task 
    • We have inbuilt redundancies to eliminate key person reliance risk for both Beam and the prospective client’s business. 

If this is resonating with your situation or you are presently or planning to recruit for a financial role in your business, it may be timely to have a conversation with us to explore how Beam can assist. Our initial discussions with Katie or Deb are cost and obligation free, so why not explore a solution you may not have considered to date. 


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