Xero is backing Beautiful Business

Xero is once again supporting the dreams and futures of small business and their owners with a Xero Beautiful Business Fund and we want you to know about it! 

The Beautiful Business Fund rewards $20,000 to 4 entrants in Australia, with 4 of the global winners who will receive an additional $50,000. So many of our Beam clients personify the values that Xero is looking to back with this generous reward, so we want to encourage you to submit an entry or 4 to smile big and dream bigger!  

There are 4 categories with no limit on how many you can enter:  

  • Innovating for Sustainability 
  • Trailblazing with Technology 
  • Strengthening Community Connection 
  • Upskilling for the future 

Xero has made the process simple for you to enter so you can focus on getting back to business, here’s what’s involved: 

  • You need a 90 second pitch video and complete a brief written form for as many of the 4 categories as you’d like. 
  • Applications should be focusing on your plans and hopes for the future and how this funding would support and celebrate your business and the vision you have for it. 
  • You can still enter even if your accountant or bookkeeper holds your Xero subscription. 
  • The fund is open for both for-profit and non-profits businesses 
  • The small business owner or designated employee needs to complete the application, but the team at Beam will be cheering you on from the sidelines! 

To learn more about what is on the application form and what is expected of the pitch video, see the FAQ’s here: https://www.xero.com/au/events/xero-beautiful-business-fund/xero-beautiful-business-fund-faqs/ 

Entries close on October 6th with winners announced in November. 

We know that our clients are nimble, jack of all trades and have positive impacts on their teams and the community, so why not try and win an even better future for your business with this simple entry! 

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