Super changes from 1 July 22 and beyond… 

Super changes from 1 July 22 and beyond…  A few changes to super are just 12 weeks away.  You need to be aware of these changes as they will not only affect your current employee costs but also need to be considered when negotiating remuneration for new employees. ...

New Employee Toolkit

New Employee?  What docs must you give them?  So, you have a new employee starting! What documents must you give them before or when they start? It is best practice to include the following things.  They help set the scene to give the employer/employee relationship...

STP2 – Should be on your radar!

STP2 – Should be on your radar! STP (Single Touch Payroll) phase 1 has been with us for some time.  Businesses and employees will have settled into it by now as part of business as usual, however more change is on the horizon with STP2.  STP2 won’t change how...

ATO Lodgment Deferrals for Flood Affected Areas

ATO Lodgment Deferrals for Flood Affected Areas Following devastating flooding and storms across QLD and NSW the ATO have announced financial and tax relief measures, with the understanding that tax may not be the number one priority at this time.  For small business...

Reminder: Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements 50% Wage Subsidy

A reminder that applications for this subsidy close on 31st March 2022. It applies to employers of any size taking on new apprentices or trainees between 5th October 2020 and 31st March 2022. The subsidy equates to 50% of apprentice gross wages paid up to a maximum of...

2022 Small Business Support Program

Small Business Support Program   If you’re a business, sole trader or not-for-profit organisation in NSW and you were unfortunately impacted by the Omicron wave of COVID-19 you may be eligible for a payment to support cashflow and maintain your employees....