What is Payroll? Case Study from Xero

Recent Beam News:

Beam are now Xero Platinum Partners!

Beam are now Xero Platinum Partners!

What does this mean for you? We are elated to be able to share that we are now one of the very few bookkeeping firms in NSW to reach the status of Xero Platinum Partner. This means we’ve made a consistent effort towards ensuring our Beam Team has the most in-depth...

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Super Changes Start Today

Super Changes Start Today

Super Changes Start Today: What do you need to know and do? We did alert you to these changes a few months back, but the day of change is finally here. From today, 1 July 2022, a few things in super change which will impact payroll. You need to be aware of these...

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STP Finalisation

STP Finalisation

Hello EOFY  It's that time of year again when employees will be eagerly awaiting their Annual Income Statement needed to have their individual tax returns done. To avoid disappointment and issues we suggest employers advise employees not make appointments with their...

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